• SokathHisEyesOpen@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    They’re actually working on a plan to get rid of the current environmental protections, and bolster oil and coal production. At this point it is blatantly obvious that they are trying to destroy the planet. I mean hell, they sided with a virus during a pandemic. They’re well beyond cartoon evil now.

    • Steve@compuverse.uk
      11 months ago

      It’s a comforting thought, to believe destroying the world is their goal.

      But no. In truth they simply don’t think about it. Their path to the power and resources that would save them and theirs from the world’s destruction might hasten that destruction. But that doesn’t matter. It’s easier for them to simply not think about it. They’re going to have everything they need to live a comfortable life, no matter the environment it brings about. They’re going to be fine.

      What happens to the rest of us? It’s not even that they don’t care. We don’t matter enough for them to not care about us. We matter so little, our future doesn’t even occur to them.

      It’s not evil. It’s apathy.
      I’m not sure which is worse.

      • SokathHisEyesOpen@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        It’s their kid’s futures too though. That’s what is so baffling. Do they think a few million dollars will protect them from tsunamis and deadly pollution? Will it all have been worth it when they sit atop their pile of money 100 feet underground in a climate controlled bunker? They’re essentially regulating themselves into the final season of Breaking Bad, where Walt has lost everything except for his barrel of money. He’s sitting all alone in a cabin in the woods, with nothing good left in his life, but he has his barrel of cash.