So I have a book I wish to get edited but most platforms where you find these individuals don’t disclose their editing influence and where they pull information from. I want to make sure about my editor. So my book/books can get the most effective and ethical work possible. Even though this may mean spending 400$ per hour or more!
Slight background to this
I asked this question to someone around me. They made the point it’s almost impossible and that it’s ethical because it’s been happening for centuries. And I don’t want to use AI due to the ethics surrounding it. Though of what I’ve come to find out. They aren’t really that different in where they train. Beyond the point AI has a much bigger pool or easier access.
AI can’t edit. AI needs editing.
I’m an editor; my sources are experts, books, research papers, people who have had similar experiences, dictionaries, a thesaurus, a degree in English Language, and a profound hatred of m-dashes and double spaces after a full stop.
Though aren’t those all copyrighted things? The main argument I see. Is how it’s unethical how AI uses materials that are copyrighted. From AI I’ve seen it may not be perfect at editing but specifically for grammar, punctuation and more it works decently. Though as always I look to build my own version for personal use. That would be a super intelligence better than any human could be. Otherwise I’ve already created one super intelligence but it’s not for person use. So if it’s unethical for AI to use Copyrighted material why is it not the same for human. Is it simply discrimination against AI? Worrying it’ll steal jobs. And if that’s the case for editors. Why not lower the prices a bit? If you have an AI that 85% as good as the best editors costing 40-100$ per month. Compared to 100-400$ per hour. It’s a clear choice.
AI can only respond with patterns based on what it has seen before. To AI, human language has even less sense than those math problems that draw some shapes and ask you what is the next shape in the pattern.
AI can’t think. It only seem patterns and percentages.
Ask it to tell a story about a dog, and it will because it has seen that before. Ask it to tell a story about the 6-legged beings on Pluto and it makes a super generic and short story and just pastes in “6-legged being,” because it has never seen any stories like that. It can’t imagine a new set of circumstances.
I don’t know any human editors, unfortunately. If you’d like, I can get you in touch with a couple of gorilla editors.
Hahaha how do you communicate though totally!
Grunts and scratches mostly, same as any other person
“Because it’s been happening…” Is not even an argument. It’s a super lazy answer that shows a complete lack of effort.
Was this same person sitting in a climate controlled building? Did this person eat food they gathered that morning? Does this person do something besides sleep after the sun sets?
Yeah that’s what I thought. It’s not even trying to trying to consider the full scope. Possibly because it makes them uncomfortable or they can’t fight it.