Need to investigate Starlink first…
No shit. I think it’s easy to see his influence. No way that all of the swing states went for Trump.
OK. This topic is a bit concerning. All from 2021 to 2024, Trump bitched and moaned how the election was stolen from him. He’s poisoned the well of electoral politics by making anyone who questions the results of an election look like a crazy person.
This youtube video shows something very concerning about election results in 2024, and also questions 2020. Not in the way of screaming, but with numbers and analysis. But if they saw issues with 2020’s vote count, which favoured Trump in later counting and amounted to what some have called a “Russian Tail”, it would have been better to bring that up in 2021, and get investigators into actually auditing the vote and punishing the perpetrators. They waited until now, and now, if we point out that Trump rigged 2024 and rigged 2020 but not by enough, then we just look like sore losers.
But we need to have this discussion and be willing to fight to hold Trump accountable, even if we DO look like sore losers. But we need to get to the numbers quickly, because I suspect the shitgibbon has plans around April or May to do an authoritarian power grab of epic proportions.
The standard with any election should be “trust but verify”. Take results at face value but immediately follow up with audits and selective recounts to ensure integrity. It’s quality control and it should happen before and after every election with publicly available reporting and independent audits.
What do you make of this?
He stole it. His kid even said so on camera 😂
Am I missing something here? Trump admitted it himself.
I’d assume that if Musk interfered in the US election, it would be similar to how my beloved Putin interfered in Elections in Bulgaria.
Using mass amounts of money and spending it on a disinformation campaign similar to Musk’s attempted interference in German election.
But many here seem to also be referring to more ‘interesting’ ways to interfere with elections.
Well they’ve eluded to a big election secret and Musk being good with their voting machines, so yeah people are leaning towards something more than what Russia has already been doing for decades.
The Washington Examiner is maybe the least reliable bit of drivel to cite as a source.
Maybe Musk has undue influence on this election: how do we expect to find that out in th current framework and situation we find ourselves in.
Keep in mind that the examiner exists mostly to stir the pot. Getting the left to take the same, unfounded conspiratorial approach to thinking would be right inline with their MO.