I’ve recently been hearing about the war in the DRC.

I don’t fully understand the extent of the violence, but from what I’ve seen, it’s rather terrible. The Congolese government is terrible by all accounts, committing several atrocities itself while being violently corrupt.

However, it does seem that the Rwandan-backed M23 militia is completely self-interested in their actions, despite their arguments to the contrary. Rwanda wants minerals and to continue it’s persecution of political opponents internationally, while using that very authoritarian crusade as pretext for horrendous acts of violence against innocent Congolese.

I really don’t know what more to say about this. I don’t really have the words to talk about it, I don’t think. Instead, I’d like to share some resources that may help you understand it yourself.

From what I can gather, it seems that the West needs to pressure Rwanda way more to stop this.

By the way, to anyone reading this, do suggest where I should post about this. I think it’s not getting talked about enough, and I don’t think my little stream-of-consciousness comm is the best place to speak this…