• jo3jo3@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Nope. I didn’t fuck this shit up by not voting, they did it. My one vote is not that powerful! If it was I would still be voting 🤣 Dumbest comments in the thread are the ones that think their votes matter.

    I’ve made absolutely zero difference all the years I’ve voted, so why should I bother anymore? I just don’t care. The US is a car speeding down a road to a destination, who is driving that car doesn’t matter, change it every four or eight years, it makes absolutely no difference, the US will arrive exactly where it’s headed no matter who is in charge or whether I vote or not.

    Plus it’s my vote to do with what I want, I choose to not use it. Give me someone worth voting for and I will show up first, they never will though.

    • Fades@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      You are dead wrong to imply a single vote can not or has not made the difference to win elections. Even if the national isn’t decided by a single vote local votes matter and they are where these razor thin margins are prevalent.

      The only way we will hear the actual voice of the people is if everyone who can speak does so.

      Lastly, what is the harm in voting? It takes very little effort, especially if you are in a mail-in state. It could make some difference, that makes it worth it easy or not

        • jo3jo3@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          I voted third party or did a write in the last few cycles, people told me I voted for fascism doing that. So how can I win? 🤣

          • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            By voting for one of the only two candidates who has a chance of winning, but picking the one who will do the least damage and keep doing that over and over again until you get someone who isn’t terrible.

            People want change overnight.

            • jo3jo3@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              No. Absolutely not. I morally cannot vote for the one “who will do the least damage” Not a chance, that’s a complete waste of my vote in my opinion, and at that point what’s the difference if I just sit out? Nobody is happy if I don’t vote, that’s wrong, I’m supposed to vote for someone I don’t like so another candidate that I dislike even more doesn’t win. What the fuck change will ever happen in a lifetime with that strategy? This shits broken, I’m not participating anymore because of it, my vote, my choice how I use it, I choose not to use it.

              • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                Fine. Then Trump wins.

                Also, why does it have to change in your lifetime? Does the future matter that little to you?

                • jo3jo3@lemmy.world
                  11 months ago

                  I honestly don’t care. I had nothing to do with how he got there the first time, if I use my vote, it will do absolutely nothing to stop him a second time. Also… Dems could nominate someone besides Biden… Everyone in this thread acts like my one vote makes all the difference, it doesn’t, it won’t, this thing is rigged in every way possible, the whole system should be better, I didn’t create it, I didn’t make the rules.

                  I’m from Washington state, so again, my vote doesn’t matter, that’s the way the system works. My state will go blue with or without me participating.

                  The whole entire everything needs a complete overhaul, and it’s not going to happen. It’s just a show. Maybe we get the orange clown again, maybe not, who knows, I really don’t care.

                  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
                    11 months ago

                    You honestly don’t care about the future? What a strange attitude. I suppose you’re in favor of us using fossil fuels in that case. What difference does it make? You won’t be around when it gets really bad.

                  • Fades@lemmy.world
                    11 months ago

                    I honestly don’t care

                    And there it is. If you “don’t care” then you are complicit in the depths of depravity and corruption. You may deserve it but the rest of us do not.

                    Oh well I can’t vote for someone unless they are Jesus fucking Christ himself!! If the candidate isn’t perfect I can’t vote for em!!!

                    Do you fucking hear yourself?? You disgust me, the world is quite literally a worse place because of you and those like you. In reality I have no doubt this is just lazy low effort trolling from you. Pathetic.

              • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                Trump’s policies will kill more Palestinians than Biden’s. It will also lead to more discrimination against LGBT people.

                How many lives are your morals worth? How much suffering?

                Edit: removed some of my argument that was overly harsh

                  • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
                    11 months ago

                    I think I was going to say that they have no right to bitch and moan if they didn’t vote for a serious candidate. They make a choice to accept whatever the outcome is, and then they complain about the outcome anyway.

                    Do they think the system has ever been fair? We’re truly a pathetic generation of so called liberals if we’re too apathetic to fight for a better world. Civil rights, gay rights, women’s suffrage, labor rights – they went up against a much worse situation, and they didn’t balk.

      • jo3jo3@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        To be fair, in all my responses, I am mostly referring to presidential elections, I’m not arguing that the small local stuff can and does matter, and sometimes those races come down to just a few votes. Ya that’s true.

        Don’t think there’s any harm in it at all, I just don’t care, and if I don’t care I’m not engaged and educated on all the issues, then should I really be voting? Or is better I sit out since I’m not following anything at all and can’t make good informed decisions anymore?

        • jo3jo3@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Lots of downvotes 🤣 Confused as to why on this specific comment! I am supposed to make uniformed decisions when I vote? Because your downvotes make it seem like I need to vote whether I’m informed or not, which seems just as silly or dumb as anything else in this thread…

          • Psychodelic@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            I think it’s because it seems like you’re saying “I’m ignorant, there’s nothing I can do. Woe, is me. Also, I like to be this way and people that aren’t ignorant like me are actually the ones that are ignorant because they think things matter. Except, I’ll admit, somethings actually do really matter, just not the most important things, which as I’ve said and demonstrated I’m very ignorant about.”

    • EndlessApollo@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Voting is literally the absolute bare minimum you can do to make sure fascists aren’t in power. I hate democrats as much as the next guy, I just don’t vote for them when they’re not running against literal fascists, but a lot of republicans pretty much are just fascists waiting for the chance to take people’s rights and lock up dissenters and minorities. Keeping them from fucking things up is one of the most important things you can do.

      And think about this: if your vote was meaningless, why would republicans fight tooth and nail to make it harder to vote? Your average American likes republicans a lot less than democrats and would vote for a democrat, especially among less privileged demographics. Republicans have been working for decades to prevent these people from voting, and tried to make it more of a pain in the ass for everyone else, with some voters even going so far as to set up with guns outside polling stations sometimes. Your vote absolutely counts, and the more people realize that the truer it will be.

      If you’re not gonna vote, either do something more useful like protest or do work for your community or don’t complain when republicans win and make your life worse. You can do a mail in ballot or vote early, it takes almost no effort to do. I wouldn’t have voted for biden in 2020 if it weren’t so easy to vote, between covid and how little I like him I was just gonna stay at home.

      I think the only hope for the US and the world to not get completely fucked by war, oppression, and climate change is to vote for democrats, even ones who have done some shitty things, when they run against politicians whose main goal is to bring more war and oppression and climate change. As fucked up as the two party system is, it’s what we’re stuck with for now, and the only two paths towards reforming it are keeping the far right out of office, or a revolution that would kill at least thousands and maybe make things worse. I don’t think things are hopeless enough yet, for the country or the environment, for the latter to be a good idea. That stays the case unless we get 8+ years of DeSantis or Trump or RFK or anyone similarly fashy with republicans in control of everything

      • jo3jo3@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Nope. I haven’t lived in the US for 14 years. I’m not voting. I’m not protesting shit, nobody is listening anyway, why would I bother. No, I’m done. I have a higher quality of life where I live now, I’m just a spectator. The US is in a downward trajectory, my one vote will not change that.

        I did volunteer by the way, I came home to volunteer for Bernie’s campaign both times. It’s not like I didn’t care, I voted nearly 20 years of life that I was able to, it hasn’t meant a damn thing except disappointment. I’m perfectly fine just watching the world burn, my vote can’t stop it. Nothing I do can stop it. I’m just going to chill and enjoy my time, watch show, enjoy the ride.

        If anyone has a time machine and we can go back to before Bernie got robbed, I’ll vote. But not anymore, not a chance. No matter how I use or don’t use my vote, it will be the wrong choice. This is not my fault, I had nothing to do with how we got to now, until not I have always voted, just now now, not anymore. And what did all those votes get me? Jack shit.

        • Psychodelic@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Seriously! I did like 10 jumping jacks once and ate two carrots a couple years ago, and guess what? I still don’t have a six pack. People that work out are just lying to make us feel bad. Don’t fall for it!

          That said, I live in a different place now where sensible legislation results in me having easier access to better, healthier food. I’ve even been able to replace my commute to work with a bike ride instead of a long drive in a car. I’m so much healthier now thanks to the way the people here vote.