Discover the importance of code reviews in software development, their benefits for teams and organizations, and practical tips for implementing them effectively.
A problem with code reviews is that sometimes it’s easier to reason about a problem as you work on it. You will likely end up with better code going through an iterative process working with your computer instead of trying to get the perfect solution the first time.
It’s kind of like math. We need to expand a problem out in order to solve it, and then simplify the solution once we have it.
A problem with code reviews is that sometimes it’s easier to reason about a problem as you work on it. You will likely end up with better code going through an iterative process working with your computer instead of trying to get the perfect solution the first time.
It’s kind of like math. We need to expand a problem out in order to solve it, and then simplify the solution once we have it.
I mean, you’re allowed to test it before it and iterate goes to review, though.
And reviewers can be allowed to merge stuff that’s “good enough”, and the iterate.