it should though. everyone should go hard on these parasites. fascists always get a free ride from all the authorities. that’s how they get into power. they never suffer consequences, because all the consequences are fake and designed to stop people from being too free or too communist, both of which fascists also work to stop, so the nation’s enforcement mechanisms see them as friends and go really ridiculously easy on them.
france needs to nail america’s dick to the wall, and declare that no more american goods will be coming into france until these scum pay their debts. maybe even give a ‘we brought you into this world, and we can damn sure take you out of it.’
Your history lesson seems to forget America helping France, both financially and strategically, during and after WW2. I dislike the US position right now, but to suggest they’ve somehow been freeloading is patently false, and the rest of the world, Europe in particular, has relied heavily on the US since the end of WW2.
Unfortunately, this didn’t really happen
it should though. everyone should go hard on these parasites. fascists always get a free ride from all the authorities. that’s how they get into power. they never suffer consequences, because all the consequences are fake and designed to stop people from being too free or too communist, both of which fascists also work to stop, so the nation’s enforcement mechanisms see them as friends and go really ridiculously easy on them.
france needs to nail america’s dick to the wall, and declare that no more american goods will be coming into france until these scum pay their debts. maybe even give a ‘we brought you into this world, and we can damn sure take you out of it.’
Your history lesson seems to forget America helping France, both financially and strategically, during and after WW2. I dislike the US position right now, but to suggest they’ve somehow been freeloading is patently false, and the rest of the world, Europe in particular, has relied heavily on the US since the end of WW2.
It’s not like the USA oligarchy would pay… It would come from taxpayer’s money.
And they’re already flooded in debt.
Anyway, I wouldn’t oppose (nor is my place to decide, haha)
Thanks for this. We need a way of flagging satire or misinformation more clearly. I don’t think it’s enough to have it buried in the comment sections.
Maybe we should put these types of posts into a community and say that it’s non-credible in the name.
Well. Seeing as this is NCD…