I wonder if people are more likely to report it today than they were 80 years ago. Or if more report in England vs France? I honestly don’t know much about that aspect of their cultures.
I wonder if people are more likely to report it today than they were 80 years ago.
Almost certainly, but the estimate of rapes in WW2 was, itself, done by assuming that only 5% of rapes were reported.
More pertinently, rapists use time, social connections, and lack of oversight to commit their crimes. All of those factors would’ve been in short supply for US soldiers in France, for various reasons.
The conduct of US soldiers in Germany, on the other hand, was considerably worse.
OP overestimates rape incidence in present day by over 5 fold. I can guarantee that they report it at a much higher rate today as there are actual procedures on how to handle it. it reads like rationalizing rape committed by soldiers.
OP overestimates rape incidence in present day by over 5 fold.
Fuck’s sake, can you not read the sources you yourself provide?
I can guarantee that they report it at a much higher rate today as there are actual procedures on how to handle it.
Yes, it is generally considered that ~25%-33% of rapes are reported in the modern day, whereas the researcher on WW2 whose numbers are quoted assumed, probably not unfairly, that only ~5% of rapes were reported - which is how the estimate of 3,500 rapes was reached.
it reads like rationalizing rape committed by soldiers.
I wonder if people are more likely to report it today than they were 80 years ago. Or if more report in England vs France? I honestly don’t know much about that aspect of their cultures.
Almost certainly, but the estimate of rapes in WW2 was, itself, done by assuming that only 5% of rapes were reported.
More pertinently, rapists use time, social connections, and lack of oversight to commit their crimes. All of those factors would’ve been in short supply for US soldiers in France, for various reasons.
The conduct of US soldiers in Germany, on the other hand, was considerably worse.
OP overestimates rape incidence in present day by over 5 fold. I can guarantee that they report it at a much higher rate today as there are actual procedures on how to handle it. it reads like rationalizing rape committed by soldiers.
Fuck’s sake, can you not read the sources you yourself provide?
Yes, it is generally considered that ~25%-33% of rapes are reported in the modern day, whereas the researcher on WW2 whose numbers are quoted assumed, probably not unfairly, that only ~5% of rapes were reported - which is how the estimate of 3,500 rapes was reached.
… what.