Today I was attending a lecture about blockchain and cryptocurrencies and the lecturer said that freedom and safety don’t go together. You can have more freedom by abandoning safety. Would you agree?

    7 hours ago

    If you assume freedom is the ability to move about the world as you wish, then you may need to abandon complete safety, take risks, to accomplish your goals.

    Some risks will limit your freedoms. Natural consequences, such as injuries, will literally limit your physical ability. Logical consequences may be exclusion from society or loss of assets. Freedom may be to pursue those risks despite the consequences to yourself or others.

    In the context of crypto, my understanding is that the intent was to provide both freedom and safety through anonymity. If we look at freedoms looked at as illegal, there is an implied safety through obfuscation. There have been instances where people have been traced through crypto, so I do not completely trust it.

    If you are referring to financial safety and security, it sounds as if the speaker is trying to mash words together to make it sound like people should take risks with their money to pursue their freedom. If people are using metaphors instead of solid language to sell you something, RUN.