Fuck reddit.
Ironically, what Musk posted is perfectly acceptable ( in and of itself, ignoring the context of the person who is saying it ) since violence or the threat of violence is sometimes necessary to prevent things getting worse. For example, “Ukraine should be helped to defend itself” is a call for violence.
Which is why it’s such a bullshit excuse to ban speech for that reason alone. I got banned for suggesting France might help out the USA by shipping over any surplus guillotines. I’m sure they would have no issue at all if I were enthusiastically advocating genocide. Never mind, I needed a push to make the move to Lemmy ; )
Eastern ex-ukraine should be helped to defend itself from fascist Banderites.
That gets you banned from Reddit, or some mild criticism of the Palestinian genocide.
The vile calls for violence and racist Russophobia on there could stay on there.
Not a peep from the hypocrites then.
Now that the other part of the US regime controls Reddit they suddenly wake up and care about free speech.
Why am I not surprised?The line is state sponsored violence, generally. Likely with a little bias on what state is on the giving and receiving ends of said violence. Thats the rule at least so far as I can tell, at least.
I think you’re right, but that’s even more concerning. A fully fascist take on what is acceptable speech.
The oligarchy owns 90% of social media so it’s no surprise
You’re wording it as if we shouldn’t be outraged anyways.
Be as outraged as you want but at the end of the day social media is a business and they’ve chosen to no longer do business with you.
If anything, be outraged at all the other shit the oligarchy are planning to do.
Yeah i don’t post anymore since reddit turned into 1984
where have you been for the last decade?
It was regime controlled garbage for a long time, now they suddenly complain.
Elon Musk
's assetsshould be liquidatedFixed that for you
Oh fucking hell he’s a megalomaniac he’s awful!!! Horrible man. How the fuck can reddit justify this shit? How has EVERYONE not left?
reddit mods are soft, i got banned too. They might need to grow a pair.
What do you mean by Elon Musk’s assets should be liquidated?
Also, Reddit and X have very different moderating policies.
Says the pussy who backed down from Zuckerberg cuz his mom told him to
It’s good to be the king.
He doesn’t have to be the one actually inflicting the violence on others, but with his power and influence he is capable of great violence by making others carry it out in his name.
Fucking billionaires… :/
God, what an insufferable Nazi cunt.
What the hell even is this?
This feeds into the right-wing fantasy that they’re super tough warriors. You see a lot of literature and fictional TV aimed in this direction.
It’s kind of like the white savior complex but instead of saving some victimized minority, they’re saving weaker and more helpless individuals in their own society. But all the military hero returns home and confronts nasty biker gang or evil drug dealers and kicks their ass without when trying. It all reinforced their world view.
He is such a teenager. It’s embarrassing.
This should show Americans how billionaires perceive “peaceful protests”.
Apart from all the other bullshit rightfully called out below, this makes an illogical implication. Being the smart autistic superbrain Melon claims to be, it’s surprising he doesn’t see that. Or maybe not, because in reality he’s just a sad ass who is too scared of just going to therapy.
If: Not being capable of violence => Not being able to call yourself peaceful
Then: Being able to call yourself peaceful => Being capable of violence
But not: Being capable of violence => Being able to call yourself peaceful