Hi, nowadays a lot of places online only accept payment via one of the three options mentioned. Privacy wise, which is my best option? My thread model is mainly based on surveillance capitalism.
Hi, nowadays a lot of places online only accept payment via one of the three options mentioned. Privacy wise, which is my best option? My thread model is mainly based on surveillance capitalism.
I just looked at revolut, they have all these squgily ££££ symbols everywhere.
in it’s base version, Revolut is free, yet they surely try to convince you to pay for a paid plan, use their depot, and other stuff… However the only downside worth mentioning is getting less interest on the savings account. Or did you refer to them being a UK bank? In that case: Revolut exists in multiple countries - my account is in Lithuania, yet still fully managed in €. They nowadays also have a german banking license (giving you a DE-IBAN). Accounts themself can be in on of, I dunno… 33 different currencies or so?
Another option worth mentioning would be Trade Republic, however I’ve never tried them myself.