I love the Fediverse and I love cinema 🍿, I don’t think I am the only one…
I am surprised nobody has realized a Fediverse software for movies, yet!

I am tired of IMDb, and any other alternative is centralized, proprietary software.

What I think could be done is to develop a fork of @[email protected] with the same features, but some key differences that make it the go-to solution for tracking movies you want to watch and that you watched, as well as sharing your thoughts with your friends. I already emailed @[email protected], Bookwyrm’s creator and main maintainer, about this possibility.

I am keeping notes concerning this idea in the link for the post.

Unfortunately, even though I am a Fediverse enthusiast and I cannot stop talking about it with everybody, I am no developer and I cannot practically start working on this, also because my time is too limited to work on such a software. Nevertheless, I hope writing this post could inspire somebody to code something and start a Fediverse platform for movies! 😍

Of course I am available for anything else concerning the project: website creation, marketing, bug testing and community moderation, etc.

Thanks a lot for your time!

Happy holidays,
Tommi 🤯

  • ghost_laptop@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    I asked them if it’s possible and they said yes if you modify the back end, but I don’t think they have time to maintain two projects like this. :/

    If you get yourself a Python developer which isn’t that crazy you could do it though.

    • smallcircles@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      The question is whether the project should be forked into multiple separate projects at all. An alternative would be to have a generic “Directory Platform” and have modules to make it a Book Review platform, a Movie Database, or whatever-you-wanna-collect platform with another module. The modules would mostly be templates and data structures + user interface widgets to present them nicely.

      • ghost_laptop@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        Sure, but that would be the case if it was designed like that from the ground up, but BookWyrm’s developer didn’t and it’s understandable, so now you either fork it and make it like that or fork it and make it work specifically for whatever you want to keep track of.