Anyone have suggestions on some VPS providers. I just want to expose a few services and have a tunnel between my network and the VPS. Basically self-hosted services that I can’t expose via CF tunnels. Since I’m only going to run WG client and a reverse proxy - don’t really care about high-resourced VPS instance if its going to save me money. So couple of cores,2-4 gb memory and 1 gbps transfer rate should be sufficient.
What about Contabo? I have 2 VPS running for a year now and can’t complain. Good pricing and performance.
What tool stack are you using? Just curious
Contabo is good, I’d say strato too for your use case
Definitely go for SSD Nodes. I have been using them for years now… 100% legit, stable performance and support are great. (+14 days money-back if not satisfied)