So it looks like Trump has read the fascist playbook or something. I’m not surprised. I am concerned.

Edit: After thinking about it, I guess I am surprised that he can read.

      11 months ago

      Why do you people keep perpetuating that lie?

      Show me how my unused vote magically adds to someone I didn’t use it on.

      No. My unused vote represents the disenfranchised.

      Your cast vote will represent a genocidal maniac.

      Stop playing make believe. Be a grown up. Live in reality.

          11 months ago

          You are making shit up. 1 plus 0 DOES NOT EQUAL 2.

          Here is how the actual math works. Red Fascist gets 20 votes, Blue Fascist gets 19 votes if blue party has abandoned their liberal ideals in favor for “lesser evil” progressive fascism and I’m the only one who refuses to vote for genocide. That means the voting record is:

          Model 1
          Red Fascist: 20 votes
          Blue Fascist: 19 votes
          Disenfranchised voters: 1

          If the people stop believing your made up bullshit, then they too could decide to stop voting for the death of America, stop voting for fascism, stop voting for genocide, etc.

          Then the voting record is:

          Model 2
          Red Fascist: 10 votes
          Blue Fascist: 10 votes
          Disenfranchised voters: 20

          Voter turnout is a massive factor in establishing the political ethos of the person in office. A person sitting on 98% turnout can say “I represent America” and has much better odds of pushing whatever genocide or tax break for billionaires they want.

          A person sitting on a 50% turnout is going to have “you don’t represent the people” hurled at them at every turn, and they will have a much harder time sending another funding package to the genocide.

          Under Model 1, neither fascist has anything to worry about. They have the world by the balls, their overlords are happy, and regardless of which cover the overlords put on their actions (red or blue), they will get their payout. Nothing changes. The whole system continues to decay.

          Under Model 2, the fascists have a big problem. The world can see that the people don’t approve, the people see that the people don’t approve. Now there is fire on the heels of the fascists, and they might need to consider actually not being evil sometimes to encourage more people to vote again.

          Even under a third model:

          Model 3
          Red Fascist: 20 votes
          Blue Fascist: 10 votes
          Disenfranchised voters: 10

          After a really shitty 4 years, the Blue Fascists now have a reason to stop being fucking fascists to get the 10 disenfranchised voters back. They have incentive to actually combat the Red Fascists by trying to be GOOD instead of lesser evil.

              11 months ago

              Yes, and that was because the people wanted Gary Hart, but the DNC decided to install Dukakis instead.

              Exactly like Hilary/Bernie, except at least for Gary Hart, there was some drama in the news to pin the decision on. For Hilary/Bernie, it was simply that Hilary is one of the overlords in the DNC.

              So you are just highlighting a great point where the DNC didn’t listen to their constituents and paid the price. Good conscientious liberals refused to vote for the “lesser evil”. They wanted their solid candidate to vote for.

              It motivated the Democrats to get strong on climate, social service, and fighting AGAINST genocide, and that’s how we got the Clinton/Gore years (some of the best years in moderate history).

              It worked. We saw actual improvement. Then we got complacent again and Democrats are now funding genocide.

              Time to do it again.

              Argument perfectly in-tact if not stronger.

                  11 months ago

                  You’re just fucking with me now.

                  Gore has always been one of the strongest leaders in the effort to combat climate change and Clinton literally brought the Croation genocide to a halt by DEFENDING the Croatians and ATTACKING Serbs and Bosnians.

                  Your “but he’s Hitler!” Lost all its punch when Biden went genocidal.

                  Who needs the concentration camps when you just fund the bombing of schools and hospitals?

                  Seriously. Learn to see 2 feet past your nose. Stop sucking your owners dick. Educate yourself.

                  Again. Don’t support fascists. It’s not that hard to wrap your brain around. Scroll up to see a documented instance in moderate history where the tactic worked.