I’ve been looking into a centralized logging solution for my home network and such. I looked into grafana+loki, but it seems very complex, and I couldn’t seem to get it working.

I don’t need anything overly fancy, I just want centralized logging and maybe metrics that I can access from a webui, preferably on the simpler side and with a decent docker(-compose) example.

  • thelastknowngod@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Loki is pretty simple so not sure what you’re expecting.

    There’s always an ELK stack but I feel like that’s a lot more overhead than a grafana/loki combo… I personally never want to use this again but it’s up to you.

    You just need something to collect and ship the logs (promtail, fluentbit, opentelemetry), something to store them (loki, logstash), and some way to query them (grafana, kibana, logcli).