• AWistfulNihilist@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    It’s just such a fucking shitty false equivalency to relate the physical to the meta physical.

    Look at Christianity for example, the biggest factor in your choice of religion is where you were born first and who you were born to a close second.

    You see a great amount of similarity, especially inter discipline, but you can find huge differences between states, even cities and counties. People will shop for churches when they move to find a version of the same religion that fits with their preferred style and interpretation.

    That’s inside of a body like the SBC, Roman Catholicism and the SBC are even more different fundamentally. Same books, same dudes tho.

    Scientific models update with research, even if things are difficult to change, they change based on new info. Religion needs to constantly fit it’s ever dwindling influence into the same scripture, you just get to think the words mean different things now.