And how do you convince them to care?

    1 year ago

    I first inform them that everything is political, so unless you’re deeply bored with everything, you don’t think politics are boring. You just don’t like certain aspects of society or dealing with them. Like another commenter said, most people think of two white men in suits gabbering at each other which is fucking boring. But if you’re able to reframe that stereotype into how politics affects your material reality, most people care.

    Weave in politics with whatever their interests are. Oh, you like architecture and are studying it at the university level? Wouldn’t it be cool if you didn’t have to pay out the ass for the rest of your life because of that? What about if you had a democratic workplace and could decide among your peers what you design?

    Things like that.

    You don’t have to delve into grade A Marxian economics right away to get people involved in this. It truly affects every aspect of our lives, it’s just about making people realize it. Hence class consciousness.