The Numenera kickstarter still went through and succeeded, but myself and other folks backed out and apparently some awesome folks tried to get the kickstarter taken down (the article he linked no longer exists by the way, though the website still does).

‘took offense at this for political reasons’

Not the first time I’ve encountered liberals sticking their fingers in their ears and pretending pushback they get is for minor/misguided/mistaken reasons rather than believe there’s good cause to oppose them.

Before I discovered awesome folks like you guys here existed I thought it was unlikely there’d be any noticeable pushback against this campaign, but the fact that he felt compelled to rationalize the pushback tells me there was noticeable discontentment.

Monte Cook was involved in crafting 3e as far as I’m aware, and I loved 3e; it sucks that he’s probably nothing better than a liberal.

EDIT: Wayback machine to the rescue!