I’m going to start this article off by saying that you don’t have to be born in the boomer generation to be a boomer. You can be a boomer by acting like one. Hate new stuff? boomer. Run a desktop from the naughties? Boomer.

  • Snot Flickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    10 months ago

    I figure Lemmy.world is just run by people who were mad because of the article and maybe they’re pro techrights.

    This right here is your problem. Your unwillingness to accept that your behavior is what is putting people off and banning you.

    Instead, you go right back to your Boomer argument “People just don’t like what I have to say, waaaah!”

    Actually, lots of people agree with the ideas you put down but disagreed with the childish and immature way you chose to express them. Those were even given as reasons for your ban.

    But I’m sure you will just keep telling yourself that it’s just people who “are pro techrights.” I’ve never even fucking heard of techrights, I’ve just seen your shitty articles shitting up my feed and then kept happening even after I blocked your other account.

    Yeah, I don’t like people who harass and abuse my time by evading the fact that I blocked them. Maybe that’s why I’m upset you absolute nimrod? That you showed up in my feed after being banned and blocked? You didn’t even wait a day? What kind of loser ass pathetic life do you have to even have that much fucking time on your hands?

    You literally don’t care that people have taken the time out of their day to tell you why they don’t like your posts, and keep telling yourself it is for other reasons. Maybe listen to other people instead of making up bullshit in your own head to justify shit, because that is mental illness you absolute buffoon.

    If you want to complain about the rules spin up your own fucking instance of Lemmy for fucks sake. You’re such a fucking Linux guru, it should be a snap, right? Stop being a little bitch who can’t take NO for an answer. You know who else doesn’t take no for an anwser? Fucking RAPISTS.

    • JaneTheMotherfuckerOP
      10 months ago

      First off, ad hominem.

      I’m a legal professional. Rules matter but admins have wildly different interpretations about the language they use in the rules. That’s also why I like to swear in my articles. I write dry boring legal proceedings all day long and I am super autistic.

      I’m kind of tired of the same lame articles such as:

      1. Review of X distro
      2. How to install X on Y distro
      3. New version of X is out

      I wanted to be able to express myself against this thing I keep seeing all the time. People attacking the stuff I use because it is new and they don’t like learning new things or they want their system to use only 100MB of ram for some reason. Or they are weird and they want to use the same thing for the next fifty years with nothing but security and bug fixes. That’s not how technology moves forward.

      Swearing isn’t bad, it’s great. It is a sign of intelligence. That’s not to say unintelligent people swear too though as the following quote is from someone who didn’t get past grade 10. But, also studies show that people who swear are more honest. People who lie often spend a lot of time crafting what they say and people who don’t swear often fit in this group.

      From Trailer Park Boys (An amazing Canadian show):

      Ricky: Look, I can’t speak without swearing, and I’ve only got my Grade 10, and I haven’t had a cigarette since I’ve been arrested, and I’m ready to fuckin’ snap. So I’d like to make a request under the people’s freedom of choices and voices act that I be able to smoke and swear in your courtroom. Because if I can’t smoke and swear, I’m fucked! And so are all these guys. I won’t be able to properly express myself at a court level, and that’s bullshit! It’s not fair and if you ask me, I think it’s a fuckin’ mistrial.

      I wanted to bring something different to the table and see what people thought about it. Are a majority of Linux users boomers, or are they a minority? That is interesting to me. People are commenting and sharing their counter opinions on it. I’m considering some of it. I disagree with other parts. Isn’t that a great thing? It’s not an echo chamber.

      I see things in my feeds all the time that I don’t agree with. I don’t try to erase their existence, I downvote and keep scrolling. I mentioned that I did not know I was banned, and Leminal.space isn’t against free speech so if you block me again it will likely stick. I had no idea you blocked me, so there is no possible way I knew I was evading your own personal block list.

      So block me already and move on with your life.

        • JaneTheMotherfuckerOP
          10 months ago

          Well this article is directly about Linux and it isn’t misinformation. It could result in being deleted and get me banned me from the group if the mods decide I somehow broke the rules. If I am banned from the group, fair enough, I’ll post elsewhere. I’m only going to post directly about Linux, not a website that is one step removed it. I learned that lesson. I don’t think it is a problem to post controversial opinions.

          Leminal.space is unlikely to ban me, so blocking me should work.