So this year I grew some tomatoes for the first time. They were small but tasty.

In November they began to die, so I cut all dry/dead parts and they got better. But they still look very unhealthy.

Do tomatoes survive the winter? Does it make sense to keep watering them? Like once a week, when it doesn’t rain.

Or maybe I should let them die and seed again next spring?

(Ignore the dog. She refuses to let me alone in the balcony lol)

    6 months ago

    I let the last handful of tomatoes rot on the vine, this lets some seeds naturally get into the soil and start their journey. Early spring right before the end of cold weather, I take the old plant out completely, add pot ash, clear any debris gently, and allow the new seedlings to take over. This isn’t a sure-fire method, and may result in freaky mutant tomatoes on year two and beyond so do your research if you apply it. Good luck!