My attempts at finding TV I like to watch haven’t been successful lately. I like historical stuff, but not like Vikings, or Last Kingdom. Not like all those nasty pirate series. Not like Rome, weren’t they the first to start this unholy diluvium of cookie cutter pseudo-historical modern TV? I like fantasy, but please don’t GoT me. I’m giving up on Battlestar Galactica - there were some interesting ideas in this and it was bad almost good, but I can’t stand its military propaganda-i-ness a minute longer.

It’s all gore, rape, war, sex, big CGI battle, torture, two lines cheesy dialog, repeat. Every line of dialog these days seems to be written by a badly maintained, malfunctioning robot slave, every character half well constructed is allowed to descend into nonsense after 2 seasons, just so the ‘aesthetics’ consisting of an endless stream of highly detailed violence can be perpetuated. I’m glad the writers are on strike, nothing but good can come out of it. I hope they start small, independent studios and produce quality work.

I did watch quite some Neil Gaiman stuff I liked, and have heard a new season of Good Omens comes out? So that helps a bit. I like crime, used to watch a lot of British crime series, liked True Detective. I don’t like sitcoms. I like serious stuff that’s also funny, or vice versa. I like dialogs that make sense.

Please recommend me something, can be older or even old. I remember watching TV used to be fun but everything out there these days seems rather enshittified.

    1 year ago

    can be older or even old

    On the sci-fi front, have you seen Firefly?
    Planetes was good too, Japanese Animation.

    Aside from that, I enjoyed The Boys and The Umbrella Academy.

    1 year ago

    Scifi: Foundation - A reimagining of Issac Asimov’s multipart epic on the rise and fall of galactic civilization.

    1 year ago

    Since you mentioned BSG, I wanted to recommend Babylon 5. It’s got a cohesive story planned from the get go, and is as good as space opera gets IMHO. There are plenty of historical parallels to draw, my favorite being the Roman Republic inspired Centauri. (Commercial TV from the 90s, so nothing R rated here.)

    More recent, and more historical, would be the German Netflix series Barbaren (Barbarians). It might be too roman history focused for your tastes, but it got a glowing review from my family abroad. (I do believe this has more gore and sexual content, I just don’t remember to what extent.)