The planet’s average temperature hit 17.23 degrees Celsius on Thursday, surpassing the 17.18C record set on Tuesday and equalled on Wednesday.

    1 year ago

    Exactly this, because there is literally fuck all any of us can do to change this. Climate change is largely the result of a couple hundred mega corporations, not the masses choosing plastic drinking straws.

    • Wrench
      1 year ago

      Downvoted but right. Average people did play a part of this though. The part we played was supporting the big businesses that were fucking us over. Oh, a new sports car even though my old one works fine? COOL. Give me that, I’ll pay whatever you ask.

      Excess. We live a life of excess. They provide it, we accept.

      Unfortunately people are greedy and material oriented. Even the good people have so much excess. They don’t think twice to see anything wrong with it. Everyone driving brand new cars to keep up with the “Joneses” played a big part. This never should have been a thing. Vehicles should’ve been for transport and nothing else, vanity should have never been a factor but… people.

      Same with fashion. Never should’ve been a thing. Clothes are for covering your body. Never should’ve mattered so much how we look. Again, vanity.

      Makeup. Same story. People want to look a certain way so resources are obtained, money is spent, excess is gained. Vanity satiated.

      Sports stadiums? Malls filled with bs no one needs?

      Wants vs needs. People don’t know how to separate the two anymore.

      Even those that claim to. Often especially not those people.

      Excess. So much excess.

      My area used to be filled with farms. All you’d see is trees and farms.

      They sustained themselves. Grew their own food, mowed their own grass, usually had a creek for water etc. Self sustainable and produced an abundance of food.

      Now the entire fucking area is just… businesses to provide the excess. No need to rely on ourselves anymore. The corporations got our back right? Bought up all the land and replaced farms that could feed hundreds with… A smoke shop. Grocery stores everywhere. People aren’t growing their food anymore, they’ve got corporations to do that for them as long as they work for the corporations enough to earn the funds.

      It’s so fucked up. I miss the trees, miss nature. It amazes me that people aren’t outraged and protesting this. They’re turning my entire region into a massive strip mall and the people are…

      Okay with it because it provides the excess.

      Okay with it because they lost touch with nature long ago and can’t fathom the value of it.

      We’ve traded self sufficiency for reliance on corporations.

      We’ve traded strength for dependency.

      We’ve traded church for Twitter.

      Clean water for fluoride laced tap water.

      Roaming buffalo for cars.

      It’s fucked up. Everything is fucked up.

      We just don’t know it yet because our needs are met and then some