Taking a week of medical leave and got excited to settle in with 3BP on Netflix only to find out, that’s NEXT month.

Picked up the books instead…

How? How did the Chinese government allow this to be published? There HAS to be some kind of story there…

Reading up on it, the opening chapters that are so highly critical of Mao’s Cultural Revolution were always intended to be the opening, but were moved to be later in the book in China.

So maybe that’s it? The censors just didn’t read the whole thing?

  • Chocrates@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Yeah, what you said. My understanding is that the english translation was re-ordered and the original Chinese was out of order to fool the sensors. The book itself wasn’t that critical of the Chinese Communist Party from my recollection though. BUT I am not good at reading subtext and what not, plus I had a really hard time getting through those books. The ideas were great but the execution was very hard for me personally to get through.
    I never finished the 3rd one for instance.