I run a self-hosted server at home on which I have run a bunch of personal stuff (like nextcloud etc.). To prevent pointing DNS servers at my home router, I run a reverse proxy on a VPS that I rent (from Scaleway FWIW).

Today I was trying to figure to what extent that exposes my data to my VPS provider and whether I can do something about it. Disclaimer: this is just a hobby exercise. I’m not paranoid, I just want to learn for my own self how to improve security of my setup.

My reverse proxy terminates the SSL connection and then proxies the connection over a wireguard connection to my home server. This means that (a) data is decrypted in the RAM of the VPS and (b) the certificates live unencrypted in the storage of the VPS. This means that the VPS provider, if they want to, can read all the traffic unencrypted to and from my home server.

I was thinking that I can solve both problems by using Nginx’s SSL pass-through feature. This would allow me to not terminate SSL on the VPS solving (a) and to move the certificates to my home server solving (b).

But just as I was playing around with it, I realised that SSL pass-through would not solve the problem of trying to protect my data from the VPS provider. As long as my DNS records point at the VPS provider’s servers, the VPS provider can always get their own certificates for my domains and do a MitM attack. Therefore, I might as well keep the certificates on the VPS since I still have to trust them not to make their own behind my back.

In the end I concluded that as long as I use a VPS provider to route my traffic to my home server, there is no fool-proof way to secure my data from them. Intuitively it makes sense, the data crosses their hardware physically and thus they will have access to it. The only way to stop it would be to update the DNS records to point directly at my home server which I don’t want to do.

Is this correct thinking or is there some way to prevent the VPS provider from seeing my data?

Again, I’m trying to solve this problem as a hobby exercise. The most sensitive data that I have is stored encrypted at the filesystem level and I only decrypt it locally on my own machine to work on it. Therefore, the actually sensitive data that would be cost me a lot if compromised is never available unencrypted on the VPS. Due to the overhead of this encryption and other complications, I don’t do this for all my files.

  • MigratingtoLemmy@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I am sad, and ashamed, that you had to continuously point towards it being “a hobby exercise” - without which the only answers you would get are “change your VPS provider bro” or “you’re too scared bro”. Paranoid or not, these questions are important to understand and answer (network security is not easy when you get into such concepts), regardless where they are coming from. I am positively dismayed; aggravated even, that even in such a community where people know so much, the first thought that would come to their mind is “just trust them bro”.

    That said, you are correct. The VPS can absolutely inspect your storage + RAM and scrape the keys/certificates. Considering that Cloudflare tunnels are much worse, I’d rather stick with a VPS, but the problems remain.

    I wonder if LUKS can be used for the underlying storage hosting these certificates. Although, will that help if the RAM of the device is compromised?


    • dr_robot@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      If it was just storage/RAM scraping then that could be solved with SSL pass-through though. That way the reverse proxy would not decrypt the traffic and would forward the encrypted traffic further to the home server. I was actually setting that up a few hours ago. However, since the VPS provider owns the IP address of the VPS, they can simply obtain their own certificate for the domain. After all, Let’s Encrypt verifies your ownership of the domain by your ability to control the DNS entries. Therefore, even if the certificates weren’t on the VPS, the fact that I am redirecting traffic via their IP address makes me vulnerable to a malicious provider.

      The “hobby exercise” was just to indicate that this is not for work and that I’m interested in an answer beyond “you need to trust your provider” which I do :) I agree, these are important questions! And they’re also interesting!