China Uncensored is a thrice-weekly satirical show on YouTube in the vein of The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, hosted by Chris Chappell. China Uncensored is highly critical of the current regime in China, raising issues relating to China's …
Omg China Uncensored. At this point I forgot they exist. Back when the Hong Kong portests broke out I watched their youtube channel on a regular basis and gobbled up everything they spat out. Given all their concern for the Uyghurs, surely they must oppose the Israeli genocide against Palestinians, right? Pretending to care for workers and human rights only until actual war crimes are committed by the war crime professional, the US and its allies. I hate them to the core and the fact that I just didn’t question any of their lies back then.
Looking at their channel rn, it’s incredible how they’re just still going on with the same bs as back then. They’re even pulling the China will collapse any second now, pls believe us regularly.
I watched China Uncensored in high school, and I thought I was super intelligent for having discovered them. But looking back, the amount of racism and complete bullshit I watched pisses me off.
Omg China Uncensored. At this point I forgot they exist. Back when the Hong Kong portests broke out I watched their youtube channel on a regular basis and gobbled up everything they spat out. Given all their concern for the Uyghurs, surely they must oppose the Israeli genocide against Palestinians, right? Pretending to care for workers and human rights only until actual war crimes are committed by the war crime professional, the US and its allies. I hate them to the core and the fact that I just didn’t question any of their lies back then.
Looking at their channel rn, it’s incredible how they’re just still going on with the same bs as back then. They’re even pulling the China will collapse any second now, pls believe us regularly.
I watched China Uncensored in high school, and I thought I was super intelligent for having discovered them. But looking back, the amount of racism and complete bullshit I watched pisses me off.