Just primed the 3 larger Tyranids from the starter set box. Been kind of using them as a learning experience by not following any guides and making my own color scheme (see the Termagaunt in front). I was trying not to have to buy a bunch more paints so the colors are kind of basic but I thought this was best after experimenting with what I had on the ripper swarms. Just went for black and tan with green highlights. I’m giving them metal teeth (like the Xenomorph from Alien) because I think that’s cool.

One thing I learned is that I really don’t like painting 20 of the same model in a row so IDK how much more I’ll invest in Tyranids after 1000pts. I got really tired of painting ‘gaunts so a lot of them came out a little sloppy because I stopped giving a fuck. The psychophage is a really sick model but the mouth is going to be a pain.