I’m curious to see what Lemmygrad does in their free time, apart from shitposting on an obscure internet board.

I went out to a park to chill in the shade and read a book / sleep in the grass.

I also spent some time working on my indoor herb garden. My basil started quickly but since a few days, my cilantro has joined the race as well. Unfortunately there are no signs of the spring onions yet, but inshallah they will grow.

I made banana bread with my gf and afterwards we went to a bar.

Today, I will do a workout and follow my cat’s advice of doing absolutely nothing. It’s too hot and with the sun on maximum UV strength, going outside would mean turning into a lobster very quickly.

  • CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Contrary to my username, I spent pretty much all of yesterday asleep. Today I’m gonna make the lemmy UI look good on larger screens.

  • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I’ve been out the last two days with some family. A short weekend trip to a touristy lake which everyone talks about but I hadn’t gotten to before now. Saw a couple cool old cities and towns and an entire island turned into a botanical garden by some feudal descendants of some sort. Grabbed a couple neat craft beers, had dinner on the lake shore, avoided all but the most mild sunburn. It’s been a decent weekend.

  • mrshll1001@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    My partner and I are on the last few days of our Summer Solstice holiday. We hiked up a local mountain with a friend yesterday and today we’re recovering on the sofa from a week of hiking, hill walking, and slightly-too-much food.

    I’m alternating between reading some sci-fi on my e-reader (currently reading Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks), writing some psuedo-code for a single-user headless ActivityPub server I’m thinking of implementing for fun, and brewing tea. I might watch a movie later, if I get the urge.

    Earlier, as part of a bonus Solstice gift, I set up my partner’s laptop with an N64 emulator, a USB N64-like controller, and some old games she enjoyed as a child so she’s on the other side of the sofa full of nostalgia and smiling, engrossed in her games.

    Our cat is curled up on my feet and stretched out onto my partner’s lap; her favourite cuddle position.

    • citsuah@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      that’s so nice. really heartwarming image of you two I have in my head! 😍

  • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Tried to enjoy the outdoors! Well, I succeeded, but it was so hot I had to take lots of breaks. But I managed to neaten up the garden. I listen to (mostly Spanish) audiobooks while I do that.

    I got through about three hours of Assata Shakur’s Autobiography in Spanish. It’s a great book. One memorable line (if I got the translation right) is, ‘Never let your enemies decide who your enemies are.’

    With a little more sleep it would’ve been a perfect weekend.

    I’m also growing some herbs indoors. I have coriander, basil, and mint. The first two are doing great and I’ve been using them in dishes. The mint is growing but slowly. Can’t wait for some home-grown mint tea!

  • citsuah@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    read the news, shitpost, study, shitpost went out for a rollerblade, shitpost, made some music, shitpost. enjoying my last free time before go back to daily grind tomorrow.

  • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Worked 2 jobs, sold drugs, helped a gf w.o a car get to and from work, met some of her friends, watched my aunt’s dogs, questionable haunted experience, did way too much drugs, alienated some people, got a call from my best friend for first time in months, walked through the rain, had a panic attack, sold more drugs, did too many drugs, sexual intercourse, tried unsuccessfully to put my phone down, exported some beats, push-ups, met homeless lady, looked at some clouds, sobered up, collapsed from exhaustion, internal battle between theism/atheism, stole extremely fancy alcohol, made some really bomb burritos, disassociated, dispassionate, disassembled and left the pieces lying around wherever, saw Howl’s Moving Castle for the first time, procrastinated music, wrote a song, asked myself where the time went. All of that shit I guess.