People who don’t care that they are being spied on/ having their data harvested by facebook, instagram, whatsapp, google, amazon, oracle etc… are the same ones who pirate without a vpn or i2p. I can’t stand this “so what if they have my data?” attitude. You ask anyone if they would feel comfortable leaving their car unlocked in town, or the front door of their house open at night and theeen they suddenly care about privacy and security.

Piracy is a crime. It might be the most common and socially acceptable (right after not fully stopping at an empty stop street), but it is still technically illegal and the govt can go after you any time they want to.

Please please please do not go around advertising your cam-quality bootlegs.

    1 year ago

    Here I am again, to introduce briefly the i2p protocol to those filthy pirates that haven’t heard of it.

    I2P is a protocol, a peer to peer one, where computers are nodes and create a secret internal internet, like tor but without clearnet access and ip addresses. One of the uses for it is torrenting, since there are no ip’s or port forwarding involved.