The photo that UPS provided to prove that they delivered my package. I mean, sure, it’s my front porch, but they could have included the package.

    7 months ago

    Accurate. I get pissy about my deliveries (FedEx is notoriously bad here) but the truth of the matter is that the drivers are way overworked. They time shit down to the minute but assume traffic is constantly as good as the best days. So yeah, they build in time for bathroom breaks and to get everything where it goes as long as no one on the road has wrecked, is driving slow, and there are no construction zones gumming up the works. Then they penalize the drivers if everything isn’t done. So you end up with shit thrown over the fence, boxes that look like they were run over, misdelivered packages, and pictures of the corner of a porch.

      7 months ago

      I used to work for fedex. Most of the time those run over boxes were just crushed by the machine that handles them and sorts them, not always though… I worked with some daft people. Lots of my coworkers hated how prevalent door cams became but I loved them. Made it reeeall easy to call people out on their bullshit.

      When there was a dispute things wound usually go like this ‘I delivered the package right at their front door, there’s a hallway cam, ask them to contact the manager and get footage of me not stopping by when I claimed I did.’ I never got into trouble in the years I did it because I always did my job right.