Today most Invidious instances are experiencing very harsh ip address rate limiting, it is becoming very very hard to watch yt videos through

  • Snot
    7 months ago

    It’s an interesting idea, but as many have pointed out before: if you tried to propose Public Libraries in modern America, the idea would be shot down.

    This proposal is Public Libraries on steroids and opens a lot of questions about ownership of the data and who can request their data be removed, etc. If its publicly funded, they can’t hide behind “we own all this content because you uploaded it” like, say, Facebook does. They would be much more liable for people wanting to control their data, and if people wanted videos removed, they’d have fewer legal precedents to lean on.

    Like I said, interesting idea, but it raises a multitude of questions in my mind. Who do you entrust to run it? Would it be a government organization, or something more like the BBC, where it’s government-funded but separated?

      7 months ago

      I don’t necessarily know how the British system is different than the US or Canada but I am a strong supporter of the US and Canada model where the federal government essentially funds the infrastructure and then the other 80℅ is through donations and fund drives and the government by law can’t dictate the actual content beyond ensuring a certain percentage of funding is earmarked for educational material.

      But yeah, people should decide if what they upload can be deleted