I just put on an album, The Eminem Show, and I’m curious what everyone else has on. Music, a video, the television, some mystery noise from next door? What’s gracing your ear holes as you read this?
I just put on an album, The Eminem Show, and I’m curious what everyone else has on. Music, a video, the television, some mystery noise from next door? What’s gracing your ear holes as you read this?
Nothing at this exact moment, but this is the song my Spotify paused on when I got home from work. (Welcome to lady Hell) https://open.spotify.com/track/06OTh3RF2IIBukgVHkrNDv?si=iDrcv4wLRc-84s_JP5It6A Pretty good, though my favorite song from this artist is Enchanté https://open.spotify.com/track/784FnVGX6Td1t2hvDlxUI5?si=DnH3OL5aSQKKQ_MeXzRrBw
Ooh, I like this! A boots and cats drum beat and I love the lead singer, this is really good. Adding to my list lol