Title. I dual-boot Windows and Linux. I always saw people making “WINDOWS DELETED MY LINUX BOOTLOADER OMGOMG” posts and it had never happened to me. Now, the opposite has happened. I switched from EndeavourOS to OpenSUSE and now my windows install is no longer selectable on boot.
I keep Windows in a separate drive entirely, so instead of using grub, I use the EFI’s boot-select menu thingamafuck (look I don’t know jargon okay?) to choose Windows when I need it.
Well today it’s not there. Only the Linux entries show up. The Windows partition itself seems to be in good order, like, I can access it from within Linux no problem.
But yeah it doesn’t show up on my EFI selector thingie. I imagine I could get the EFI Shell going, but I have no idea how to use THAT either.
Dual-booting is fine, but this kind of thing does happen.
Either “os-prober” isn’t installed or /etc/default/grub has GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false.
Fix those, then reinstall the bootloader.
Fucking hell that was a pain. And as most of the painful things in life, it was mostly self-inflicted.
I consider it the polite thing to make a report on what I did to fix things when I solve my problem in a tech support thread (in case someone is ever searching this, to avoid the xkcd scenario ) so I will do that now:
- First off, going into a Windows install media and running some commands, as described by @[email protected] and @[email protected] did do the trick for reviving Windows.
- BUT, I am an idiot and I pointed Windows to the wrong thing, so it wiped out my Linux boot partition. O o p s i e . . .
- I was a bit stumped on what to do, and had actually flashed the USB drive (this idiot here only owns ONE USB drive) with the SUSE install media, fully intending to do a complete reinstall, but THEN,
- I realised that in the install media’s menu, there is a “boot Linux system” menu, and entered it on a whim
- Sure enough, that found my existing OpenSUSE install and let me get into it.
- From there I just used YaST to re-install and re-configure grub
- Both Windows and Linux seem to be functioning now, yay
So, 85% “me being an idiot”, but, the problem is solved. I thank everyone who made a comment.
Did you get killed mid writing the comment? That’s ominous.
Anyway, I thank you for actual helpful comment instead of the others just calling me dumb for dual booting at all. :P
I’ll see what I can do.
calling me dumb for dual booting at all
I keep saying this, but Linux users are probably the biggest obstacle standing in the way of Linux adoption.
One day those Linux people will learn that you’ll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar
Based on my nearly 30 years experience of using Linux (started with veeery early versions of Slackware) and interacting with Linux users on USENET, forums etc., I doubt it.