It’s quite difficult to find information on election candidates in English, and on top of that I only use Tor for the web which really narrows the election information available to nearly nothing.

I found this Tor-friendly page:

The main political parties are listed there. Only 6 political parties apparently respect privacy enough to serve Tor users. Of those, only two parties offer information in English:

  • CDH (center / Centre Democrate Humaniste, previously christian democrats [fr]) ← open to Tor users but no English (redirects to
  • Ecolo (Green Party [fr]) ← open to Tor users but no English
  • MR (liberal / Mouvement Réformateur [fr]) ← open to Tor users but no English
  • PS (Socialist / Parti Socialiste [fr]) ← uses Cloudflare’s walled-garden to block Tor users
  • PTB (extreme left [fr]) ← open to Tor users but no English
  • Parti populaire (extreme right party [fr])
  • Défi (previously part of the MR, now more at the center [fr]) ← uses Cloudflare’s walled-garden to block Tor users
  • CD & V (center / Christen Democratisch en Vlaams [nl]) ← uses Cloudflare’s walled-garden to block Tor users
  • Groen (Green Party [nl]) ← uses Cloudflare’s walled-garden to block Tor users
  • N-VA (Nieuwe Vlaamse Alliantie) ← open to Tor users and has info in English
  • Vooruit (Socialist / Sociaal Progessief Alternatief [nl]) ← uses Cloudflare’s walled-garden to block Tor users
  • Open VLD (liberal [nl]) ← uses Cloudflare’s walled-garden to block Tor users
  • Vlaams Belang extreme right and nationalist party ← open to Tor users and has info in English
  • Pvda (extreme left [nl]) ← open to Tor users but no English

N-VA looks like a winner purely on the merits of digital inclusion and rights, and motivated enough to reach English speakers. But this party really looks right-wing and possibly a bit xenophobic (though a bit ironic since their site has an English version).

Any references to English, Tor-respecting election info would be appreciated.