• Okami@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      I’ve got a similar story, but with a much more positive ending.

      Was at a LARP event, camping in the woods, when a girl started having an asthma attack. She’d forgotten her inhaler, no one else had one on hand, and she was visibly turning blue as she suffocated. We called 911, but the nearest hospital was in a city several miles away and the 911 operator couldn’t locate our site to send the ambulance.

      We agreed to meet the ambulance on the highway halfway, loaded up in my truck, and I booked it. Pushed my little 4-cylinder Frontier up to 115mph. Fastest I’ve ever driven. I had my hazards going and was flashing my brights like an asshole at every car I overtook. Thank fuck they all yielded to me.

      We met the ambulance on the side of the road, transferred her over, and they were able to get her breathing again. She survived.