• Jarix@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Okay grant me a budget of about USD10 million and give me 10 years to do my part.

    The money can be given as needed and one hundred percent of that money will go to just paying salary of the gaming company i will start.

    All employees will make 100k a year so i wont actually need the money upfront.

    I will hire no more than 10 people unless i can pay them without using that grant money.

    We will all make only 100k per year. No more no less, for 10 years.

    I will Ill quit my job the day the grant is guaranteed and I will receive my first paycheque

    Additionally i commit to this as my goal in life until i retire, and ide like to retire no sooner than 10 years

    Retirement will be mandatory at age 65 unless we vote on a lower age which i will vote yes for at every vote.

    I will also choose to allow any retirees to volunteer to work as much or as little as they are welcome to post retirement. But can never collect a salary from the grant

    It will take at least 2 years to produce anything if im not mistaken.

    Will this effort alone produce that 20%? possibly, and I will make it a goal of our specific contributions to always be helping advance that outcome,

    Ill probably fail to hit 20%, but i promise it will be worth the attempt and that my contribution to that 20% goal will not be insignificant.

    And if im even close to as capable as i think i am, this charity will at the very least change the lives of 10 people who need a better job and, in my opinion, deserve the opportunity

    I dont promise perfection, but i do promise an honest attempt

    • Jarix@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      To get started we only need about CAD $5300

      USD100000 equals approx CAD136990.58

      CAD $5268.86

      • Jarix@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Not a joke, but i dont expect anyone to take me up on it. Would be nice though. Would love to get started