Part of the problem with e-bikes and scooters is that they all end up at the same spots, or people just leave them places. If they had homing or auto-redistribution, it would be much more effective.
A herd of empty bicycles glide in the direction of the stadium. Prediction programs have summoned them. Is the game over? No, the score is so far in one team’s favor that many spectators are about to leave.
Jokes aside, it would be pretty cool if you could hit a button and your ebike would just show up.
Part of the problem with e-bikes and scooters is that they all end up at the same spots, or people just leave them places. If they had homing or auto-redistribution, it would be much more effective.
A herd of empty bicycles glide in the direction of the stadium. Prediction programs have summoned them. Is the game over? No, the score is so far in one team’s favor that many spectators are about to leave.
Oh, are you from Philly, too?