• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Maher personifies that kind of centrist-liberal, ‘both-siding’, self-important, insufferable arrogance that permeates establishment talking heads and politicians. For example, take Hillary’s recent interview on Morning Joe. You could basically transplant every talking points to Maher, or vice versus, and you wouldn’t be able to tell the distinguish whose was making which point. Its the MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, NPR monolith of perspective, which might vary in extremity, but never varies in vector or how it frames issues. Its 0 coverage of the 2003 protests against the Iraq war. Its the stone wall of support for Israel. Its 20 minutes of Trumps empty podium.

    People have never liked it. The monochrome diversity of view points we’ve seen on cable network news on Gaza for someone like Biden, or Hillary, or Maher is a feature, not a bug. In-terms of a media diet, boomers who were raised on a thin gruel of 3 network news channels representing a ‘diversity’ of view points, can’t handle having their perspective challenged.