New evidence found by BBC News casts further doubt on the Greek coastguard’s version of events surrounding last month’s deadly migrant boat sinking, in which up to 600 people died.

    1 year ago

    I dont understand, how can you blame the Greek coastguard for something ILLEGAL some immigrants decided to do that drove to their own death starting from FOREIGN coastline which was OBVIOUSLY very risky where “The survivors, the majority of whom are men” [1] and obviously the passengers too, so its obvious what was the purpose here, male privilege from african countries, and

    In the afternoon, one of the merchant ships approached the Adriana and offered it assistance; the passengers refused it [1]

    These ILLEGAL immigrants, tried to take advantage of EU’s empathy to immigration from people who are completely uneducated to EU’s laws and are gonna just take jobs that we need with black money without paying taxes.

    Why do are we still talking about this as if its EU’s fault or Greek’s coastline’s fault? This is THEIR fault for even attempting to do such thing.


    It’s literally like having an armed robber robbing a bank, and then him getting killed by a car, and blaming the car laws for a robber getting killed because he run away like a motherfucker. Like … What the fuck logic is that? Why not get stick with the fuck that … it was a Fucking armed robber robbing a bank?

    • misk@lemm.eeOP
      1 year ago

      Not sure why do you need to capitalize so much but this article doesn’t dispute if those were illegal migrants nor does it attribute blame.

      It’s about how coast guard pressured victims to lie about cause of death of 600 people, including 100 children. This does not present coast guard in the best light though.

        1 year ago

        I’m from Greece, I know about the boat, not just the article. I’ve read about the situation. The boat is full of illegal immigrants who smugglers pushed inside for insane amounts of money probably.

        It is not … the first … time that happens. It happens every single year. These are not “refugees” or whatever people might call them. They’re illegal immigrants that EU is empathetic enough to allow them to live here. edit: No, no. Empathetic is not the word. Just some countries that accept them for cheap labor. And then you have criminals who dont understand the EU culture robbing homes, smuggling themselves, being Shahid or Jihad who their own countries threw away. Because that’s how they grew up. That’s what they’ve learned. That’s they’ll do. And EU just accepts that for cheap labor, sorry I used the word “accept” again. Some EU countries exploit that … at a BIG cost … see France. Or Greek police statistics. Which Ive seen. Most criminals are foreigners. Literally foreigners. Without Greek citizenship. Obviously immigrants and most illegal ones.

        It’s a very well known fact at that point in Europe that all illegal immigrants are smuggled from middle east or africa to Europe through small boats with TOO MANY passengers for insane amount of money just to get to Europe through Greece.

        Just like it happens EVERY time. Either from Egypt, Turkey or one of those countries that have huge immigration pathways from other developing countries.

        So, once again. Blaming the coastline for “not saving their lives” or anything above these lines or “lying” about it is ironic to the point of stupidity. Really.


        Greece rescues hundreds of migrants adrift on fishing boat

        Greece: Coast guard rescues more than 100 people in Aegean Sea

        Police smash ring smuggling migrants from Turkey to Italy in yachts

        Turkey cracks down on migrants in major operation as pre-election rhetoric heats up

        Greek Authorities Have Detained 1,300 Smugglers & 250,000 Migrants Trying to Cross Evros River to Turkey in 2022

        • misk@lemm.eeOP
          1 year ago

          You come off incredibly defensive.

          Are those paragraphs of opinions on illegal immigration and crime supposed to stop me from wondering why would coast guard pressure witnesses of a major tragedy like that?

            1 year ago

            yes. because you’ve got zero arguments about the fact that we’re talking about people who have already committed a massive crime here. Illegal Immigration. And you’re concerned about the coastguards?

            As told, its literally like being concerned about the driver who crushed onto an armed robber. You’re completely losing the point.

            The whole situation is absurd. We’re concerned about the coastguards here, as if they’re the illegal immigrants who committed THE crime that is committed every single year and the giant smuggler scheme. As if they’re supposed to even save them when the coastguards have saved countless of lifes already. And now we’re concerned about some allegedly “coast guard pressure”? Really? Of course I’m defensive, because it’s absurd on what our focus is here.

            edit: Regardless, I appreciate your tone. Not everybody on the internet can speak properly without being offensive to other people. And as a reminder, I will never call you stupid or something, I may call your opinion stupid or absurd, but not you.

            • misk@lemm.eeOP
              1 year ago

              Illegal immigration is not as “massive crime” as negligence or whatever happened there resulting in 100 children dead, or even witness tampering.

              It’s the same dilemma as with feeding children at school. Some will say it’s socialism and parents should be responsible for that. But I’m not sure if children care why they go hungry if their parents suck.

              And for some reason teachers pressured witnesses when some of them starved to death even though it’s parents that should have fed them.

    1 year ago

    So we’re just supposed to trust the human traffickers that it totally wasn’t their fault and that the country they were trying to gain illegal entry to was at fault?