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The war exposed serious flaws in some of the most sophisticated US weapons systems: Precision-guided weapons have been jammed by Russian electronic warfare units; ammunition unable to be produced …

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The original was posted on /r/ukrainianconflict by /u/Independent_Lie_9982 on 2024-05-19 06:41:34+00:00.

Original Title: The war exposed serious flaws in some of the most sophisticated US weapons systems: Precision-guided weapons have been jammed by Russian electronic warfare units; ammunition unable to be produced quickly enough.

    1 month ago

    Well if in a conflict with the US someone throws up a gps jammer they will just obliterate it. The sheer width of their capabilities and strike ranges means that a device somewhere broadcasting gps signal to overpower actual gps will be a beacon for any number of long range weapons.

    Combined with low visibility aircraft that can get closer.

    This is not that that US… but more to emphasize how much of the capabilities the Ukranians lack on that front.