I fucking hate this. Its all for literally nothing. For fucking money. Money. Imaginary pieces of paper. Even worse, imaginary numbers on a fucking screen. Data. It’s all for fucking nothing. We won’t avoid the 1.5 C mark, and it might come in 5 years. 2 C would mean basically the end of any semblance of normal, at all, and the collapse of the global south. Forget even 3 degrees, I’d probably already be dead. They won. They fucking won. No revolution in the Imperial Core is possible. Everyone is a chud, or a lib, or a left anticommunist. We can’t fucking win. It’s over. The world is over. doomjak

  • Mardoniush [she/her]@hexbear.net
    10 months ago

    Calvinism. They believed they are saved, are saved for literally no reason, since all mankind is corrupt, and that thus only the Elect matter and are the protagonists of reality