Weigh currently around 250, 5’7 in height Lowest I ever got two years ago was 235

I keep yoyoing on weight my whole life I fall off the workout wagon and spiral

I’ve been working out consistently for a month swimming, hiking or running and doing weights, I feel healthier I’m much more active, and feel less winded

But I may have an undiagnosed eating disorder, i can stress eat on anxious levels, before I could drop weight easier but I’m worried my weight is catching up to me because it’s not shedding like it used too.

I’m very self conscious about my weight, and I want to be healthy in the event of anything in the future. My eating is starting to cost me and I’m starting to realize this is detrimental to my overall well-being.

Any recommendations?

I swim laps for at least 45min to hr Or run 3 miles Or hike 2-5 miles depending on time before sunset

Edit: i also added burpees recently when I don’t have time to do everything in the gym, because I do work and go to school as well.

Plus I always do some weights at the gym with a warmup full body workout.

My eating is destroying my progress. I also do not get good sleep, I’m trying to work on that.

  • erik [he/him]@hexbear.net
    10 months ago

    Would add to others suggestions on calorie counting, at least for a time. Just get a good idea of where your calories are coming from and just how much it is. For example, that 45 min swim might be 500 calories burned or so and that’s good. But one slice of pizza can easily be 500 calories as well. Might help you realize just how many calories you are stress eating you are doing and help you make more informed decisions when you do it.

    Everyone’s calorie in/out will be different, so you’ll need to establish your own baseline and work from there. You can get a cheap Apple Watch for like $150, which is a lot for sure, but it’s a great investment for something that will give you an idea of what type of calorie burning you are doing.

    But, as another commentator mentioned, stress eating is not a super logical thing. You might very well know how many calories are in the bag of Doritos or whatever and still choose to have it not based on any sort of informed thing but because your mental state isn’t in a place to make an informed decision. The regular sleep will definitely help with that, but you may want to spend some of your workout time doing some mindfulness instead or something like that. As someone just looking to be in shape, you really only need to exercise each muscle group a couple times a week to see progress, with all the swimming, burpees, weight training, hiking, etc it sounds like you are definitely getting enough activity. You can see more about frequency in working out here: https://www.strongerbyscience.com/more-is-more/ Stronger By Science is more targeted at folks looking to get very strong, so the big take away for you is that twice a week on a lift is plenty for you.

    Last thing I would recommend is get the junk food out of your house. Force yourself to put in some real effort if you want to have some. Sometimes just putting a walk to the corner store between you and the junk food is enough to give you time to really think about it and realize it isn’t worth it. You can get yourself some healthier snacks around the house like fruit, salt-free nuts and legumes, etc. Another commenter recommend protein calories and I half way agree with that, they are more filling for sure. However, I do think you can really benefit from filling your stomach with a lot of vegetables. No exaggeration, six servings of vegetables a day can fill up your stomach and keep you from being hungry for junk food.

    Good luck!

    • JK1348 [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      10 months ago

      Thanks I appreciate it, I don’t buy junk food for the house anymore but it’s hard not to buy It when I’m out