Astel from Holostars committed the cardinal sin of “mentioning publicly he ordered McDonalds” (tweet / archive). Yes, really.

And his replies got flooded by mostly western fans posting a JP translation (archive) of that stupid boycott infographic as well as several of them having embarassing breakdowns on their own timelines over the fact Astel talked about french fries on twitter. One person went so far as DMing him to “educate” him and was promptly blocked leading to the person having a meltdown of their own (twitter / nitter).

screenshots of the dumb

Whether related or not the “storm” concluded with Astel tweeting out (archive) he would be taking a week off. I’m doubting it’s a punishment as I don’t think Holo gives two shits about this boycott noise and Astel didn’t even say or do anything actually inflamatory. Could be he’s just peacing out till the dust settles and people calm down, or could just be he’s taking time to practice for the upcoming concert for Holostars which is less than 2 weeks away.