Doesn’t need to be a life or death situation, just any moment in your life where you found yourself saying “Holy shit, I can’t believe this is happening!”

    5 months ago

    2004, the kill bill movies had been out over the summer. In the movies is the crazy 88s. A group of ninjas who try to kill the main character. They have all sorts of weapons in the movie, the key one here is the katana. A long slender slightly curved blade.

    It’s now october, and I’m at a bar for a halloween party. The DJ gets on the mic and says in 30 minutes, the crazy 88s will be making an appearance.

    I was either outside, or somehow missed hearing that announcement.

    My friends find me on the couch, and say “they’re here!!!”. I have no idea what they mean. They point at some ninjas on stage, and I say “hey, they look like those ninjas in that movie”.

    At some point I go to the bathroom. I’m at the urinal. And this guy dressed in all black comes in. Stands at the urinal 2 away, leaving 1 free urinal between us. Guy code.

    Thats when I notice something long and hard in his hand paralel with my face. I casually look to the side, to see what he is sticking near my face. I’m like “…what the fuck?”

    He says, without even looking at me “Even ninjas have to pee, but when ninjas pee, we hold TWO swords in our grips. Both for the same reason. To not get pee on the other.”

    To this day I still laugh that my face was about 7 inches away from the katanas they used in the movie…but only because he was peeing and using that space as a buffer zone.