For this Saturday Anime Night, first up is The Dagger of Kamui (1985), an adaptation of the manga of the same name, concerning a young ninja’s globetrotting adventure to avenge his murdered family. The director is renowned auteur Rintaro (Galaxy Express 999, Metropolis). This is one of the better-regarded anime films of the 80s that we have yet to watch, so let’s check it out. After that is On-Gaku: Our Sound (2019), a musical about a trio of teenaged delinquents who decide to start a band. Dudes proceed to rock. This one has received rave reviews across the board.

We’ll start at 9PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!

Letterboxd: links:

CWs for The Dagger of Kamui:

  • Blood and gore.
  • Death of parent.
  • Deaths of animals.
  • Cutting of flesh.

CWs for On-Gaku: Our Sound:

  • Sexual assault: a boy grabs a girl’s butt. She slaps him.
  • Misophonia.
  • Smoking.
  • Cartoon violence.

Links to movies: