
  • Dr.
    1 年前

    I didn’t make it sound like dogs react entirely differently. Dogs require a significantly higher dose to have the same effect. You did seem to get that point, so I think we can move on.

    This is the dumbest question I’ve heard this week

    Great, ok, so you believe cops are passing out and overdosing from touching baggies with suspected fent in it? Because that’s the shit they’re saying constantly. And if you believe this dog story bullshit, you might as well believe those lies too. The odds that the cops are lying are WAY higher than the odds that two junkies fed their dog fent, left the fent where they dog would have eaten it, or told the cops that the dog ate it.

    Let me ask you another question. If the cops found the fent on the suspected junkies, how did the dog also eat it? If they had multiple baggies of it, that’s intent to distribute and we would have read that in the article. Yet, we didn’t.

    None of this story makes sense to anybody with even a modicum of knowledge of people that actually use drugs. Be more skeptical in life, it’ll serve you well.