No I will not provide a link to a weirdo nafo page. Call me a lib, idc

Edit from @[email protected]: I’m afraid you’ve all been played like a fiddle. This is a parody twitter page, you can tell since it says “Gunter” instead of “Gunther”. The real Gunther isn’t quite this deranged but it’s pretty damn close.

We’ve been

False alarm?

  • CloutAtlas [he/him]
    1 year ago

    You laugh but this man is a General in the feared Brain Worms Posting Corps.

    Even among Liberals, he’s considered detached from reality and history. Not just susceptible to NATO propaganda, this man is so in tune with it he’s subconsciously generating new propaganda for free. He is mere months away from unironically claiming that Putin has a court magician and believes magic and tries to hex Ukraine with absolutely 0 sources.

    This rare sub species of lib, if not stopped, will bloom into a fully grown Adrian Zenz.