How do you listen to your music? Speakers, headphones, do you like streaming services, do you have a collection of your own? Vinyl? Personally I like vinyl if I’m listening on speakers, and my phone
Spotify for the convenience. Scrobble everything to listenbrainz. Use listenbrainz and spotify to discover new stuff constantly. I mostly listen to music every second I’m awake if I can help it, primarily on headphones to not annoy others.
I have found that I like music most when I play it. It helps me regulate!
I use a mix of Spotify and downloaded music, and I prefer listening through headphones/ear buds. My noise cancelling headphones broke recently, so I instead have been using regular headphones/earbuds topped with the stereotypical autism noise blocking headset. Much cheaper with the same end result; it blocks out virtually all noise around me. I love the sound and idea of vinyl but cannot commit to yet another collection.
headphones, I can’t hear music any other way, I can’t stand the idea of other people hearing what i’m choosing to hear,