• ameancow@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    If the infrastructure wasn’t intentionally sabotaged by Hamas there would be less suffering.

    Sure, but if the entire city wasn’t bombed to rubble then there would be a LOT less suffering. Calling for ending the destruction of a whole community of people, including mostly civilians and children, shouldn’t get horrible people like you coming out of the woodwork to push back on calls for mercy and compassion for people who have done nothing to deserve what’s being done to them.

    People like you break my heart. I will tell my friends and family about you personally. I want you to know that. I will tell them tonight how I was just seeing a bad person online who supports the mindless murder of civilians. Some random person who had to type out their defense and justification for inflicting suffering on innocent people. You are an example so thank you, I can screen-shot this and compile this along with others who support genocide and suffering of people for their skin color and ethnicity, and maybe your little comment here will make it into a history book someday.

    What side of history do you think you’ll land on anyway? I would offer you a lot of historical examples of similar situations and the people who had takes like yours.