Gunther Fehlinger is an Austrian economist, consultant, and career neoliberal who has served as Secretary General of the Union of Small and Medium Enterprises of European People’s Party, Financial and International Officer of the Austrian Students’ Union, a very important officer in the European Democrat Students, and is the chairman of multiple NGOs advocating for the enlargement of NATO and the EU.

Born and raised in Linz, Fehlinger entered the Austrian Armed Forces in 1988, where he served as a lieutenant reservist for a year. After that, he went to the Vienna University of Economics and Business until 1998, where he got a master’s degree in international trade specializing in management and human resources. During that time he was heavily involved with the student center-right scene, culminating in his attempts to get the EPP to recognize the European Democrat Students as its youth wing (the student organization has since recognized him as one of their most important officers of the 1990s.)

After graduating, Fehlinger has gone on to focus on economic reform and small/medium-sized business advocacy in the European periphery, especially Albania, Ukraine, and Kosovo. He is a member of the board of the Action Group for Regional Economic Integration of the Southern Balkans, and coordinates the network Europeans for Tax Reform. Additionally, he has a podcast called Chapo Trap House Pax Europeana.

Fehlinger has labeled his specific set of beliefs as the Fehlinger Doctrine. This doctrine calls for the expansion of NATO across the rest of Europe, including Austria, Malta, Cyprus, Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia, Kosovo, Armenia, Georgia, Ireland, and the EU itself. He is, of course, very unhappy with Austrian neutrality, blaming past socialist leaders Bruno Kreisky and Dom Mintoff for this policy. He really dislikes Serbia, to the point that he has called for the country to be isolated (with a wall, even) on Twitter dot com. He also supports a proposition to break Russia up into 41 countries, and would happily balkanize China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, South Africa, Afghanistan, India, Syria, and Ethiopia. He has thus far endorsed Nikki Haley for President, and approves of the Wars in Iraq and Libya because they removed Saddam and Gaddafi (no, he will not take questions.) He also opposes Irish reunification, referring to Sinn Fein as a pro-Russian propaganda organization.

Oh, and he has a wife and 2 kids. The poor souls.

EDIT: HOLY SHIT LMAO HE’S ALSO CALLED FOR THE GUTTING OF TEL AVIV FOR THE CRIME OF (checks notes) their moral neutrality towards Russia’s genocide of Ukrainians?! Should we let him cook?