Hence why false advertising is not controlled. Who regulates the self regulators? Apparently no one. If “Jury d’Ethique Publicitaire” neglects false advertising, there is no recourse.

  • ciferecaNinjo@fedia.ioOPM
    2 months ago

    The PDF on this page covers it:


    Jury d’Ethique Publicitaire are the self-regulators. If you complain about (for example) a product advertised for X amount and the merchant actually charges you Y amount for the product (Y>X), JEP simply says: that’s not an advertising issue, it’s a sales issue, thus outside of our competency. They just make frivilous excuses for not regulating false ads.

    It’s my conjecture that JEP’s failure to regulate has no recourse. If there is in fact a regulator above JEP who oversees JEP, I would like to know about it. The Lydian law firm certainly makes no mention of it.